I I would like to register an .ee domain. What do I have to do?

1. Why should I register a .ee domain?

.ee is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) reserved for Estonia and aimed at sharing information with Estonians. Search engines use a user’s location as a search parameter - for example, when a search engine sees a .ee website, it assumes the content is more relevant to Estonia than other countries, and ranks the site accordingly. No other top-level domain targets Estonians better than the .ee domain. 

2. Why should companies register the .ee domain?

For companies, a website ending with .ee is the best business card for their customers on the Internet and gives them control over their e-identity. .ee final domain:
 1. Ensures the best recognition and visibility among Estonian internet users, i.e. is the best internet gateway to reach Estonians.
 2. Is reliable and safe in the eyes of Estonian customers.
 3. Brings up the website better in those queries that originate from Estonia.
 4. Is more available than international domains where there is more competition for a single name.
 5. Protects the brand of your company or the offered product/service, so that no one else gets ahead of it in registering it (if this has happened, it is possible to contact the Domain Dispute Committee).

3. I would like to register an .ee domain. What do I have to do?

Use the WHOIS search function to see whether the domain name you want to use is available. You can do this on the Estonian Internet Foundation website at www.internet.ee. Choose a registrar accredited by the Estonian Internet Foundation and submit an application to register the domain through them. The list of registrars is available online from here.

4. What is WHOIS?

WHOIS, or domain lookup, is a service that provides basic information about a registered domain, such as the domain owner’s name and contact information, the company with which the domain is registered (also called the Registrar), the registration and expiry dates of the domain name, and the domain’s availability status and DNSSEC signature.

5. Who or what is a registrar?

A registrar is a company or agency authorised and accredited by the Estonian Internet Foundation which offers registration services to people looking to register domains. Most registrars are providers of Internet and server hosting services. Once you choose your registrar, they provide you all registration services, including domain renewal and data amendment. The list of authorised registrars is available online from here.

7. What is the registry?

The registry is the record of all local domains. In Estonia the registry is the Estonian Internet Foundation.

8. I would like to register an .ee domain. What do I need to submit to the registrar?

The information you need to submit in order to register a domain name is set out in point 4.1.1 of the domain regulations. This states that you must submit to the registrar the following:

a) the domain name you are applying for;
b) the contact details of your administrative contact, their personal identification code and the name of the country that issued it (or in the absence of the personal identification code – the date of birth and the name of the country of nationality), telephone number and e-mail address;
c) the contact details of your technical contact, including the name of the technical contact, their registry code or personal identification code and the name of the country which registered or issued it (or in the absence of the personal identification code – the date of birth and the name of the country of nationality), telephone number and e-mail address, in the case of a Registrant that is a legal person, their name, address of location, registry code, telephone number and e-mail address;
d) in the case of a legal entity, contact details including its name, address, registry code, the name of the country which registered it, telephone number and e-mail address;
e) in the case of a natural person, contact details including their name(s) and surname, personal identification code and the name of the country which issued it (or in the absence of the personal identification code – the date of birth and the name of the country of nationality), telephone number and e-mail address.

Please note: follow the instructions given by the registrar when submitting the application to register your domain name.

Please note: if the domain is being registered by a representative of the registrant (i.e. their administrative contact person), they must be authorised to do so in writing or have this right on the basis of Estonian law (e.g. as a member of a management board).

9. Can I register a domain without name servers?

Yes, you can. The Domain Regulation does not require that registrants submit two name servers for their domain. However, if the registrant wishes to actually use the domain (create a website, use the domain as an email address, etc.), they have to provide two name servers for the domain.

10. For how long a period can .ee domains be registered?

.ee domains can be registered for 3, 6, 9 months and 1-10 years. The registry fee in 2020 is €1,6, €3,2, €4,8 and €6 per year, depending on the length of the registration period.
The registry fee is the fee that registrars pay to the Estonian Internet Foundation for registering or renewing a domain. The price for the end-user, i.e. the registrant, is determined by the registrars on a free market. VAT will be added to the fee.

11. Who is the administrative contact and what part do they play?

An administrative contact (natural person) is a legal representative of the registrant and is authorised to arrange all registration services in the name of the registrant. The administrative contact must be authorised in writing to act on behalf of the registrant in all matters related to the domain. If the registrant is a legal entity, the administrative contact is the person who orders the registration services from the registrar. If the registrant is an natural person, they normally also act as the administrative contact. The administrative contact does not have the right to delegate the authorisation. The administrative contact is responsible for the correctness and genuineness of the data and documents submitted about him/her and the registrant.

12. Who is the technical contact and what part do they play?

The technical contact person has the right to amend name server data for domains with which they are associated. If the registrant is using the services of a web hosting provider, we recommend that they appoint a representative of the provider as the technical contact person for their domains. At the same time, if the registrant manages their own servers, they can appoint themselves as the technical contact person.

13. Do applications to register domains need to be signed?

Yes. Point 4.1.2 of the domain regulations states that domain registration is one of the four registration services that requires the registrant or their administrative contact to sign their application. The regulations provide five ways of signing applications. They are:

a) digital signing using an Estonian ID card or the Mobile ID;

b) signing in handwriting in the presence of a representative of the registrar (i.e. at the registrar’s office or a customer service location);

c) digital signing using an ID card of a foreign state accepted by EIF (complete list of accepted foreign digital IDs can be found here);

d) paying the registrar for the registration service from the bank account of the registrant or their administrative contact, noting on the payment order the reference number assigned to this application by the Registrar and the corresponding domain name or the number of the invoice issued by the registrar that includes the relevant domain name; or

e) paying the registrar for the registration service by separate transfer from the PayPal account registered in the name of the registrant or the administrative contact and verified by PayPal and specify in the details of payment the relevant domain name or the number of the invoice issued by the registrar showing the relevant domain name. The Registrar has the right to request from the registrant additional proof regarding the verification of the PayPal account.

14. Are there any restrictions on the choice of domain names?

Yes. The domain regulations set out a number of restrictions on the format of domain names:

a) they can only contain letters, numbers (0-9) and hyphens (-);
b) the minimum length of a domain name is 1 symbol and the maximum length is 63 symbols;
c) no distinction is made in domain names between upper and lower case letters; and
d) a domain name cannot begin or end with a hyphen and cannot contain hyphens as both the third and fourth symbols.

15. What kinds of registration services do registrars provide?

According to the domain regulations, there are seven types of registration services, all of which can be provided by or arranged through registrars. They are:

a) registration of domain names;
b) deletion of registrations;
c) renewal of registrations;
d) transferring of domain names;
e) updating of contact details;
f) management of name server records;
g) changing registrars.

18. Why is it not possible to register a domain name with EIF?

Registration of a .ee domain name uses a two-tier system in which EIF has delegated the provision of the registration service to registrars. A registrar is a domain name registration service provider that is formally accredited by EIF and has signed a registry agreement. Registrars provide .ee domain name registration services: domain name registration, renewal, amendment, deletion, etc. Unlike other service providers operating in the market, accredited registrars are subject to supervision by EIF.

19. Can foreign companies and private persons register a .ee domain?

Yes, companies and private persons not registered in Estonia can register a .ee domain name. Rule 4.1.1 c of the Domain Regulations requires the registrant to submit the following data of the administrative contact for the domain to be registered: name, their personal identification code and the name of the country that issued it (or in the absence of the personal identification code – the date of birth and the name of the country of nationality), telephone number and e-mail address.

20. Is there a local presence requirement when registrerind a .ee domain name?

There is no local presence requirement to register a .ee domain name. No local ID or address is needed. Companies and private persons not registered in Estonia can register a .ee domain name. Rule 4.1.1 b) of the Domain Regulations requires the registrant to submit the following data of the administrative contact for the domain to be registered: name, their personal identification code and the name of the country that issued it (or in the absence of the personal identification code – the date of birth and the name of the country of nationality), telephone number and e-mail address.

21. Can I register domains with place and country names?

Yes. From 2023 to 2024 July, our Auction Portal featured an auction for previously reserved toponymical .ee names. Many of them are now registered and the domains that were not obtained through auction are now available everyone interested. These domain names were reserved 12 years ago for local administrative units and foreign missions of the countries. EIF made a decision in 2022 to release all reserved domains that have not been used and make them available to all interested parties through the .ee Auction Portal.

22. How is the final cost of .ee domains worked out?

The cost of annual registration of a domain is determined by the registrar. The registry sets a uniform base fee for all registrars (€1,6, €3,2, €4,8 and €6 per year, depending on the length of the registration period). The final cost is influenced by competition on the market, which is why it may end up being lower than the base fee, or the same as it, or higher.

23. Are domain names that use letters with diacritics (ä, ö, ü, õ, š, ž) charged at the same rates?

The cost of registering domain names containing letters with diacritics (õ, ä, ö, ü, š, ž) is the same as per ordinary domain names. The registry sets a uniform base fee for all registrars (€1,6, €3,2, €4,8 and €6 per year, depending on the length of the registration period). The cost of annual registration of a domain is determined by the registrar. The registry sets a uniform base fee for all registrars. The final cost is influenced by competition on the market, which is why it may end up being lower than the base fee, or the same as it, or even higher.

24. Can I use a domain with diacritics (ä, ö, ü, õ, š, ž) in an e-mail address?

As many e-mail programmes today still lack support for domain names containing letters with diacritical marks, it is not yet recommended to use such e-mail addresses. You can instead reproduce the domain with diacritics using the punycode solution (for instance, the punycode for info@täpitähtedegadomeen.ee is info@xn--tpithtedegadomeen-qqbd.ee), but in this case the domain name spelling becomes more complicated.

25. What are the general domains that form part of the top-level .ee domain?

General domains are used to group and distinguish the domain names of individuals and institutions with similar traits. They are:

a) com.ee – companies (incorporated entities) as defined in the Commercial Code;
b) pri.ee – individuals;
c) fie.ee – self-employed people (sole proprietors) as defined in the Commercial Code; and
d) med.ee – medical/health care institutions.

27. What is a subdomain and how does it differ from a general domain?

According to the Domain Regulations, a subdomain is a marking to the left of the top level domain .ee, separated by a period. An unlimited number of subdomains can be registered under a top level domain. For example, the FAQ of the Estonian Internet Foundation could be located at http://faq.internet.ee. Subdomains are administered by the owner of the domain in question. The owner of the domain can use subdomains for purposes such as specific subject subpages. The domain owner can also offer the opportunity to register a subdomain under their domain for a fee or free of charge. Further information can be found here.

28. Is it possible to register a subdomain free of charge and if yes, who can do it?

Yes, subdomains can be registered free of charge by private persons and educational, scientific or cultural institutions. Private persons can register free subdomains under the domains era.ee and eesti.ee. Educational, scientific and cultural institutions can register domains for free through the domains edu.ee, lib.ee, org.ee and vil.ee that belong to EENet (the Estonian Education and Research Network).

29. What happens to a registered domain if the company that owns it is deleted from the business register?

When the company associated with the domain name is deleted from the business register and no transfer of the domain name has taken place, EIF initiates the deletion procedure for the registration. The procedure lasts 45 days, in which the last 30 the domain is no longer available on the Internet. If the registration is not transferred within this time, the domain name will be deleted and it will become available for registration again.

III .ee domain auctions

38. What is the .ee auction portal?

All preferential registration rights of domains that are to be deleted (for example domains that have not been renewed) will go to the domain auction in the .ee auction portal. In the auction portal, everyone can bid for the desired domain.

39. What is .ee domain auction?

The .ee domain auction is a way to release and re-register final .ee domains. Its purpose is to ensure equal opportunities for everyone to register free domains. When selling domains, we use an auction with open bids for domains that are being deleted and for blind and reserved domains.
In the auction environment, anyone can make their bid for the desired domain. The environment is available at https://auction.internet.ee/.

40. What is a blind auction?

A blind auction means that bidding is not public. Bidders do not see others' bids or if there has been other bids. Only the starting price and the time remaining until the end of the auction are visible.

41. What is an Open Bid Auction?

EIF uses an open bidding auction to release reserved domains (place names, single character and numeric names) for registration. In the case of an open bid auction, all bids are public. Open offers make the process more transparent, which is important for domain names that have a higher public interest. Among other things, this means greater participation in the auction and active participation of bidders. Participants must be ready to actively make bids at the auction, especially in the final phase - it is the only way to be sure of acquiring the desired domain. However, the automatic bidder is available for everyone in our Auction Portal in order to make the process more convenient for the participants.

42. What is the basis for choosing whether a domain name will be sold through a blind or open auction?

The Estonian Internet Foundation uses a blind auction when selling domains that are being deleted, and an open bid auction for reserved domains. The blind auction used for domain names that are being deleted creates equal opportunities for users and is a more convenient and practical solution. However, due to their attractiveness, the transparency of the process is more important when selling reserved domain names (local and country names, one character or number domains). Therefore, the selling of different types of domain names is based on their nature and interest in the market.

43. How to participate in the auction?

Everybody can participate in the auction. In order to bid for the desired domain name, a user account must be created in the auction portal. The user account can be created using Estonian ID / Mobile-ID, bank link or by EU member states approved eID. You can also create a user account using an email address, a mobile number, and a password.

44. What is a preferential registration right of the domain name?

Preferential registration right of a domain name means that not the domain goes to the auction, but only the right of registering it. For the auction winner, this means the right to register the respective domain name. The auction winner may also pass the right to the domain registration to someone else and do not have to register the domain name on his own name.

45. What is the starting price of the auction?

The starting price of the domain preferential registration right auction is 5 euros, plus VAT. Only the auction winner is obligated to pay, other bidders are not obligated to pay for the bids they have made during the auction.

46. How do I register the domain name after a winning bid?

The winner of the auction must pay the winning bid. After payment, the winner will receive a code to register the domain name with a chosen .ee accredited registrar. The code is valid for 30 days. The price of the domain registration will be added to the transaction according to the registrar's price list.

47. What happens to the domain name if I forget to use the preferential registration right within the 30 days?

If the auction winner does not register the domain name within 30 days, the domain returns to the auction. After 30 days, the auction winner loses the priority of domain registration. That is why we recommend that the winner of the auction immediately contacts a .ee accredited registrar after making the payment and receiving the code for registering the domain name. It may take some time to register the domain because it may not be an automated service.

50. What happens when the invoice is not settled by the time of the due date?

The winner of the auction will be issued an invoice with a payment deadline of 7 days. If the corresponding payment is not made within the deadline, the domain will be re-auctioned. However, the user who has not paid the invoice will be banned from participating in auctions of the corresponding domain name during the following year. The user retains the option to pay for the invoice even after the invoice deadline has passed.

If the payment is received after the deadline, the restriction to participate in the auction of the respective domain name will be removed from the user, but his preferential right to register the respective domain name will not be restored. If three or more unpaid invoices have accumulated, the user's ability to participate in all auctions stops until the number of valid violations falls below 3.

51. How to find the registration code for the domain you reserved from the auction?

Login to the auction portal, select "my offers" from the main menu, find the domain that you want to register from the list and click on the link "claim your domain" in the last column of the table.

You will find the Registration code in the new view. Now you can turn to your favorite .ee registrar and register the domain using this code. Prerequisite for finding the code is that the auction invoice is paid on time.

52. How is EIF using the proceeds from the domain name auctions?

EIF is using the proceeds from the auction of domain names to make .ee more efficient and secure and to support projects. Every year, EIF also issues grants for projects that aim is to encourage and support scientific and research work in the field of the Internet and domain names, which would contribute to the promotion of in-depth knowledge of the Internet. In addition, we also support projects that raise young people's awareness and interest in the IT field.

53. In which language do I get notifications from the Auction Portal?

We have set up the notifications of the Auction Portal in a way that it corresponds to the language used by the user in the Auction Portal. Meaning that if the last language used in the Portal is English, the e-mail notifications are also in English. If you change the language settings to Estonian, the notifications will also be in Estonian.

IV DNSSEC security extention

54. What is DNSSEC?

Domain name system security extensions (DNSSEC) are a set of security protocols that ensure that when users enter the domain name’s URL in their browser, they reach the real IP address of the website they seek. For example, when a user enters the URL of their internet banking service provider in a browser, DNSSEC will ensure that the user is not sent to a similar-looking malicious website set up by a fraudster to steal passwords and private data.

55. What is Full-Service DNSSEC?

When subscribing to Full-Service DNSSEC, domain name owners no longer need to worry about setting up and managing a DNSSEC infrastructure, creating security keys, or protecting private keys. This is the responsibility of the service provider. Full-Service DNSSEC means that a registrar or a provider of name server services has the capacity to create and manage DNSSEC security protocols, alongside forwarding security keys.

V Domain Disputes Committee

58. What is the Domain Disputes Committee (DCC)?

Situations can arise in registering domains in which individuals who are not acting in good faith attempt to register names. This is known as ‘domain name hijacking’. In order to prevent this unlawful activity, a domain disputes committee (hereafter referred to as the DDC) has been founded as part of the Estonian Internet Foundation. The DDC is neither a court nor a tribunal, but a specialised independent body operating as part of the foundation that is charged with the task of resolving disputes related to .ee domain names. Its activities are regulated by the rules of the DDC.

59. Who can register a trademarked domain name?

When registering a domain, the registrant is responsible for not harming anyone's interests or rights to the corresponding name. Neither the .ee registry nor the registrars check the registrant's right or lack thereof when registering a domain name. When registering a domain with the name of a protected trademark, the owner of the trademark has the opportunity to turn to the court or the Domain Dispute Committee to ensure his rights. If the original registrant of the domain name has no legitimate interest in it, the domain associated with the trademark will likely be transferred to the owner of the trademark. You can read more about the work of the Domain Dispute Committee on our website.

61. What should I do if I want to lodge a complaint with the DDC?

Draw up your complaint in accordance with point 5 of the DDC rules. You should provide evidence supporting your claims and also pay the committee fee. Your complaint must be signed digitally. Submit your complaint by e-mail to vaidlus@internet.ee. A detailed description and the requirements of proceedings to resolve disputes are set out in the rules of the DDC.

62. How much are the DDC fees?

DDC fees are used solely for the organisation of the work of the committee, covering the working fees of the people involved (2/3) and the work of the secretariat (1/3). The fees can be viewed online here.

63. What happens if the DDC upholds my complaint?

If the committee feels that a complaint is valid, the domain name violating your rights is either deleted or transferred to you, depending on which of the two decisions you seek from the DDC in the course of the dispute proceedings.

65. How long does a domain dispute last?

The time required for a dispute related to a domain name depends on the complexity of the case and the parties involved. However, a solution is usually reached within 1-2 months.

VI General

68. Who can change the domain contact information?

The contact information of persons related to the domain in the register can be changed in three different ways:

1. The data owner through the registrant's portal.
2. Domain user through the registrar's self-service.
3. The registrar managing the domain (at the request and consent of the domain holder).

The Estonian Internet Foundation sends automatic notifications in case of changes in the data, but does not change the data itself. If you have any questions about changing your data, please contact your registrar.

69. How can I check who my registrar or web hosting service provider is?

You can find out who your registrar or web hosting service provider is by doing a WHOIS search on the website of the Estonian Internet Foundation. Web hosting service providers are not directly indicated in WHOIS, although you can normally determine the provider by looking at the names of the domain name servers.

71. Can a domain name be inherited?

Yes, the Domain Regulation provides for the possibility to inherit a domain name. In this case, the successor should submit a notarised document to the registrar confirming their rights as a successor. A will, marriage certificate, etc. will not be regarded as proof of the right of succession. Where EIF becomes aware that more than six months have elapsed since the death of a domain name owner and no right of succession has been exercised concerning the domain name, EIF will initiate the procedure for the deletion of the domain name. In this instance, the legal successor may request that the domain name be transferred within the 30-day period of the deletion procedure. If the domain name is deleted, it will become available on a “first come, first served” principle.

73. When can EIF delete a .ee domain name?

According to the Domain Regulation, EIF may delete a domain name in cases specifically related to the registration of the domain name. This may be done, for example, where EIF has not received an application for registration in accordance with the Domain Regulation, or the identity and/or intention of the representative of the registrant or the registrant’s representative are not verified in conformity with the Domain Regulation. This may also be the case where the email addresses provided by the registrant are not correct. Moreover, EIF may delete a domain name on a duly substantiated request by public authorities. The relevant authority must clarify why the domain name should be deleted. EIF will assess whether the deletion is proportional with regard to the registrant.

74. Who ensures the security and purity of the content of the .ee zone?

To ensure the security and purity of the content of the .ee zone, EIF cooperates with third parties. When deciding on a violation and removing the content, EIF generally relies on the notice given or the order given by the following partner:
  • Estonian Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority
  • Police and Border Guard Board
  • Estonian Money Laundering Data Bureau
  • Republic of Estonia Information System Authority
  • Defense Police Board
  • Estonian Courts
  • Prosecutor's office
  • .ee accredited registrars

75. How does EIF engage the Estonian internet community?

Involvement of the Internet community is important for discussing issues related to developments in the field and for developing cooperation. The involvement of the Internet community takes place through the working groups formed at the EIF. In addition, we involve the local community through information sharing and events such as Internet Day (Estonian local IGF) and Opinion Festival.

VII .ee zone file

76. What is a zone file?

The zone file is essentially a text file containing information about the domain name and related services, including name servers, but it may not be an exhaustive list of .ee domains. In order for the domain-related services to be found on the Internet and to be used, information about them must be in the zone file. If the domain name is registered without name servers, or the records have been removed from an existing domain name, i.e., there are no serving name servers, then the domain name does not exist in the zone file. The file also does not contain domains that are in the deletion proceedings (when name server records are blocked). 

77. Do zone files contain personal data?

There is no confidential information in the zone file - the information we publish in this file is necessary for the domain name to function at a technical level. The zone file contains the IP addresses of the name servers that serve the domain names. Due to the nature of a name server, such IP addresses are infrastructure IP addresses, not personal IP addresses. The IP addresses in the zone files are considered public IP addresses or infrastructure addresses (which also include web servers, routers, and other devices that are part of the Internet infrastructure). The IP addresses known to the EIF help us to ensure the implementation of the core assignment of the EIF, which is to ensure the availability of .ee domain names through the name server service. Consequently, the disclosed IP addresses are not treated as confidential data. In addition to the information provided by DNS, we also publish information about the domain name through our WHOIS service.

78. What do I have to do if I wish to register a secret domain name?

Not all registered .ee domains can be found in the zone file. In order for a domain name not to be found in the .ee zone file, it must be registered without name servers or the entries must be removed from an existing domain name. Note, however, that if the domain name is not in the zone, it is not possible to use services related to the domain name. If you want to enter the market with some new products, brands, campaigns and you need to keep the domain name secret and not public for as long as possible. It is not always sensible to bring the brands and temporary campaigns to the public in advance. When you register without a name server, you can register a domain, but the domain is not yet available on the Internet and cannot be found by others.

80. How to download the zone file?

The file is downloadable using the AXFR protocol on the address zone.internet.ee. For example: dig @zone.internet.ee ee. axfr > zone.ee The content of the zone is protected by copyright (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International). In case of any misuse of the service or violation of the licence terms, EIF shall have the right to block the problematic IP address and take back the right to use the data. EIF will evaluate theproblems and misuse cases and holds the right to make decisions about blocking or denying access to the file. Should you need any help do not hesitate to contact us at info@internet.ee.

81. How are the contents of the .ee zone file protected?

The contents of the zone file are copyrighted and all copyrights belong to EIF. The data in the zone file can only be used and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). If the user violates the license terms, EIF has the right to block the corresponding IP address's access to the zone file and revoke the person's right to use the zone file in the future. EIF will solely evaluate all copyright violations and decide whether to block or revoke access. If you are interested in sharing zone file data with the public, contact us at info@internet.ee.


83. What is eeID identification service?

eeID is an identification service that offers strong authentication with an international scope. eeID helps to ensure the safety of both companies and digital service users. The service brings together various technologies enabling strong electronic personal identification. Therefore, making personal identification more accessible, efficient, flexible and convenient. In addition, eeID is in compliance with the NIS2 directive.

84. Who can use eeID service?

The eeID service is designed for companies that offer software solutions that require end-user identification at the national or international level. These can be, for example, hospitals, pharmacies, technology and other companies to whom apply the requirements of the NIS2 directive. Since eeID brings together several service providers, it is a more convenient and easier way to perform personal identification. In addition, the service gives additional flexibility to small and medium sized companies.

85. Can eeID be used in a global scale?

Yes, eeID enables strong personal identification in an international level. eeID brings together various technologies enabling strong electronic identification like national or bank eID solutions. In addition, it features a solution created in collaboration with Estonian startup company Veriff in order to identify clients who do not have viable eIDs. The solution supports more than 10,000 documents from all over the world. Therefore, making the process easy, secure and efficient.

86. How to order the eeID service?

  1. 1. Head to eeID portal: https://eeid.ee/
  2. 2. Create an account.
  3. 3. Add new service and credit to your account (the sandbox payment system is available for test services).
  4. 4. Our admins will review and approve your application.
  5. 5. We will send you a notification once the service has been approved and the interface is ready to use.

87. How much does it cost to use the eeID service?

Joining the eeID service is free and the billing is transaction-based. 

The eeID personal identification service works on a prepaid basis, according to which the user of the service transfers the desired amount to his account (automated), from which we deduct the fee for each authentication. Therefore, billing is done conveniently and unnoticed by the service user. The price of one request by the eIDs is only 0.1€+VAT and by video ID 0,01€+VAT.

88. What to remember about the eeID advance payment?

The first advance payment for the eeID service must be at least 100 euros. The amount of the advance payment must always be sufficient for the uninterrupted provision of services, and the client is responsible for its availability. It is also possible to automate the advance payment by setting a lower limit for your account balance, when it is reached, the eeID system sends an e-invoice to the bank to add the desired amount to the account. There you can set up automatic payment for eeID e-invoices. In the event that upon the end of the advance payment amount, EIF has the right to suspend the provision of services and/or apply the prescribed sanctions. Upon termination of the contract, the amount of the unused advance payment will be returned within 90 days from the date of termination of the contract.

90. What are the prerequisites for using the service in a production environment?

The prerequisite for using the service in the production environment is the successful testing of the service in the service test environment. In order to gain access to the test environment, you must contact EIF by submitting a corresponding request. The prerequisite for using the service is a written agreement between EIF and the customer who wants to use the service.